Tuesday, September 30, 2008

wheelbarrows, sally's Place, Some Landscapes.

So my blog keeps on exploding every time I try to post and label these images. This weekend was nothing but rain and despite the fact that I might have bronchitis it yielded some pretty fun 4x5 work. Had to do a lot of blocking and wiping down of my stuff to keep the rain away but I've got some fun stuff.

Starting with a weird wheelbarrow picture (dunno why but I love wheelbarrows)

This sign is being eaten by plants, I've had my eye on it for a while now...

And the rest of these are from Sally's Place in Seabrook, NH. It's a wierd place full of discarded mysteries, but I like it.

I'm definately happiest with the top two images but they all printed quite nicely. Felt good to shoot work that relates to my landscape project...(wheelbarrows excluded!) anyways I hope this post doesn't bug out because I have a train to catch. Oh and guess what it's still raining!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Snaps, the Goose.

So I am trying to shoot more with the Goose (polaroid 600se/mamiya press camera/frankenstein) I am a lot happier with the shots on this roll. Not my usual forte for sure but I'm still scouting some locations for new 4x5 work.

Kate, Newbury, 2008

Kate, Plumb Island Beach, 2008

Kate, Staten Island, 2008

I really enjoy the shape of the 69 and the Film just pops quite nicely, It's not 4x5 but at least I can stay mobile with this camera.

Thursday, September 18, 2008


I'm trying to shoot more portrait or at least interior work lately, Just doing landscape leaves me feeling kindof cornered sometimes. I have a 6x9 Mamiya press camera that I'm trying to wrap myself around. here's some 4x5 as well.

Kim, Lightning Storm, 2008

Lamp, Enzo, 2008

Jimmy, NYC, 2008

The top image is a 4x5 of a friend, was trying to catch lightning while we watched but something else happened instead. The bottom two are from the 6x9 I really dig the softness of these negs and the format is kindof pretty.

Summer, Cabin

So it's been quite a while since i put up anything fresh on the blog. To make a long story short I worked quite hard this summer living in NYC and shot when I could. I'm pretty happy with what I shot, but am kindof bummed that I didn't shoot more.

Anyways it's back to school now and here's some stuff that I've been able to get scanned.

Cabin, Fireworks, 2008

Deerprints in Mud, Summer 2008

Granite Rubble, Summer 2008

I really like the bottom 2 detail shots, after looking at a lot of the stuff I shot, seems I spent a lot of time looking down at the ground. I really enjoy these though. The cabin shot I think I like, but that place has all kinds of loaded value for me so who knows.