Monday, October 27, 2008

Roads to Nowhere...

So yesterday I packed up my 6x9 and my 4x5 and left my house, walking due south into the woods...I had planned on shooting out on the old dirt roads that are a mile or two into the woods, but before I got very far I couldn't help but shoot where they are clearing the woods here.
As far as I know this is supposed to be protected land but I guess these people just don't care.

Eventually I reached the old roads, they don't really go anywhere, instead you find them like a river, a dozen tributaries of small pathways converge into these old roads, most of which dead end in the marsh. I dig this location, but due to the gross factor of VC film I was really unhappy with a lot of my stuff I shot out there.
I did get these last two shots near the roads/lands end.

I'm pretty excited about working out in this area, I feel a few more excursions out here in my imminent future. Everything out there is pretty much untouched, all the old junk is sun-bleached, the pathways overgrown. I dig it.

some details...

The other day when I was under the Route 1 Bridge in Newbury I shot these...

So I'm trying to use the goose (6x9) a lot more now, It feels a lot like shooting with 35mm (obviously), which is nice. I got these detail shots, they're pretty not special but for some reason I like them.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

So I decided to try to shoot the dump, Its kindof amazing how not so many years ago this was just a big pile of garbage. (now it's a big pile of garbage with grass growing out of it...and methane exhaust pipes) But I'm not sure if this compisition is too thrilling. However...

...I do like this lot, a lot. there's just the smallest amount of pavement remaining in this landscape, It's kindof got a lot going on but I like the amount of nature vs the amount of relic. Had shot some other 4x5 sheets this weekend but I will need to reshoot the other locations in a more interesting manner.

some medium format should be coming up soon have a few rolls to develop!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Newbury, Perspective

Two new 4x5 shots, I'm really happy with these and the top location has a few other gems to shoot but I need to catch the light early in the day... Who would throw away this perfectly good picket fence...?

So I've been rethinking my perspective a bit, maybe focusing down a bit more. Focusing more directly on the evidence of man and nature. I shot these in Newbury, both in empty lots near a bridge, but in these I've tried to obscure the location a bit and focus more on the land at hand.

I like them, hope you do too.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

More Medium Format!

So I figured I'd post this stuff separately. I found this poor dead pylon under the BQE. A few blocks from the empty lot in the last post. I'd enjoyed the look of this thing in passing before but once someone put a face on it, it became a poor dead robot and I figured it was worth noting.

I also shot some portraits of one of my oldest friends, Eve. It's a more dead pan shot than I'd like, but I have this and one other shot that I enjoyed, the other needs a good bit of work on it and will prolly post in the future.

I'm really becoming a huge fan of shooting with the 600se, and will definitely keep working with it. I feel like it makes a great camera for decisive moments and decent for portrait work as well.


So I dragged my Cameras down to Brooklyn this past weekend and shot some work there that kindof reflects what I'm doing here in Massachusettes. When I return I'll be shooting a lot more stuff but in the meantime I have this location near Kate's, an empty lot at Marcy/Metropolitan.

I like the top and bottom two images and will prolly keep them as a diptych, the third will not make the cut but since I went through the time to retouch it i figured I may as well post it.

Some people thought this was a very different approach for me to be shooting in such an urban environment but I'm not sure it's a huge departure. I also shot these stopped way down ~f45, normally I shoot at about 22 and I think I might like that a little better.